Very small cartilages found in the space between the upper lateral cartilage and lower lateral cartilages. Their role is still a topic of controversy. They are rarely encountered during rhinoplasty and do not affect surgical plans significantly.
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The combination of septoplasty and rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be done on its own. However, when septoplasty is combined with rhinoplasty, it is called septorhinoplasty.
Septorhinoplasty is commonly done when patients want improvement of both the functional (breathing) and aesthetic (cosmetic) aspects of the nose. This is done at the same time because the incisions and approach are shared between the two procedures and the cartilage taken out during septoplasty can be used for structuring in rhinoplasty.
Surgical repair and alteration of the septum. Literally, this term describes reshaping the septum. This is usually done for functional breathing purposes, but sometimes it is done for cosmetic purposes, as the septum is responsible for the deviation of the lower two-thirds of the nose.
Septoplasty can be done using an endonasal technique, which means it can be done with no external incisions. This is the way it is most commonly done. The ways a septoplasty can be done vary greatly.
Septal extension graft
A graft consisting of cartilage which increases the length of the septum. This is used to change the length of the nose or change the angle of rotation of the nose. This is mostly done during revision rhinoplasty, but also done in some primary rhinoplasties. It can be done either via the open or closed approach.
Septal deviation
When the septum is crooked and blocking one side of the nasal cavity, or both. See below how the septum is deviated into the right side in this diagram:
Scroll area
The upper lateral cartilages and lower lateral cartilages interconnect, almost like a handshake. Some noses have more of an interconnection, or scroll. This interconnection is a recurvature of the lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage as it comes up and over the inferior edge of the upper lateral cartilage.
Saddle nose
The bridge of the nose is too low. This can be due to medical diseases, previous rhinoplasty, trauma, and cocaine use.
Rim incision
An incision on the edge of the nostril. This is seldom used in rhinoplasty. Sometimes a small rim incision is made to place a small graft at the nostril edge.
Rib cartilage
Cartilage grafted from the rib which is used in providing significant structure to the nose. It is most often used in revision rhinoplasty. At times, for noses that need more structure, it can be used in primary rhinoplasty.